Obama Speech Review
Read Obama’s speech here: A More Perfect Union (Links to an external site.) . 2. Consider the key themes of self-reliance, race, identity, and education that Obama, Du Bois, and Washington discuss. Choose ONE of the following prompts and use it to write a 700-900 word essay addressing three of those themes. Here are the prompts: THESIS STATEMENT ONE: Barack Obama’s views are closely related to Booker T. Washington’s ideas (in terms of self-reliance, race, identity, education, other–choose only 3). THESIS STATEMENT TWO: Barack Obama’s views are closely related to W. E. B. Du Bois’ ideas (in terms of self-reliance, race, identity, education, other–choose only 3) . Be sure to use quotes from Obama’s speechas well as from Washington and Du Boisto support your perspective. Do not simply give your overall impression of Obamas presidency; I encourage you to remain focused on the ideas in this speech. Also, refrain from discussing the biographies of these men; you should be focused on their ideas in your essay. CITATION: Please cite in MLA format (Links to an external site.).