Obesity In Latino Population
Using the feedback from professor to rewrite the paper. References can be added for extra. A problem statement paper on obesity of the Latino community in Santa Clara County. Part I: The Nature and Extent of the Need/Problem Using data obtained from your social assessment research, describe the community. Priority population: Clearly identify the priority population that is affected by the health problem. Create an understanding of the population in the context of the community. Identify who is and who is not affected by the health problem. Is the local community experience different than other communities around the state/nation/world? Location: Explain the regions/neighborhoods that are predominantly affected and how this connects to the priority population. Using data obtained from your epidemiological assessment research, describe the health problem. Health problem: Explain the health problem that exists among the priority population, including a definition and the magnitude and severity. Include comparisons to other populations and communities local, regional, state, national, and global; the health disparities; and trends (changes over time). Include rates and relevant comparisons to help contextualize the problem. Part II: Factors Contributing to the Problem Using data from your epidemiological and educational assessment research, describe the direct and indirect factors that exacerbate (and/or sustain) the health problem. Discuss the factors relevant to the priority population and community in depth. Contributing factors: Explain the factors that influence this health problem including: Individual factors: behaviors, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and genetics Environmental factors: natural; social (family, friends, colleagues, community beliefs/attitudes) structural, and built resources and barriers Systemic factors: institutions, policies, biases, cultural values/beliefs Part III: The Impact of the Problem Using data from your social, epidemiological, and educational assessments, describe the impact of the problem. Consequences and Opportunities: Explain the impact of the problem on people and communities. How does the problem affect: Quality of life (being, belonging, and becoming) Life expectancy Health issue costs (financial and emotional) Comorbidities What are the impacts on individuals, families/peers, and the community if nothing is done and what can be expected if there are interventions? Acknowledge both short and long- term impacts. Part IV: Promising Approaches for Improved Results Using data from your social assessment research, describe the potential for change. Capacities: Identify community capacities that can help with change efforts. Explain the capacities, strengths, assets of the priority population that will help foster change, and key resources (organizations/programs/professionals) that are already available, refer to asset mapping. Solutions: If known, introduce best practices/changes that have been shown effective solutions to the problem.