Occupational Therapy
Question 1: Based on what you have read and watched so far, give a one to three sentence definition of what occupational therapy is. (Please do not make this a direct quote from the video and reading for this week, or other things you have read.) Question 2: On page S3, the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework explains that clients of occupational therapy are persons, groups, and populations. Think back to the occupation you said makes you unique on last weeks worksheet. How would this occupation look different at the person, group, and population levels? You can select these answers for yourself or for somebody else. (For example, you can choose yourself as the person or somebody else, your own country as the population or another country, etc.) Question 3: The video references a quote by Mary Reilly in 1961: That man, through the use of his hands, as they are energized by mind and will, can influence the state of his own health. Why do you think this was such an influential quote for the OT profession? Question 4: The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework says, only occupational therapy practitioners focus on the use of occupations to promote health, well-being, and participation in life (page S11). Page S4 defines the terms health, well-being, and participation. Provide an example of how using occupations can promote each of those concepts- health, well-being, and participation. Question 5: Choose one example from this weeks video in which American policy influenced the direction of occupational therapy. Explain the connection between the policy and how occupational therapy changed. Question 6: Explain one way in which society influenced the direction of occupational therapy that is not explained in the video. This may be a policy change, a systemic structure in society, an event that occurred, or anything else you think of that is relevant. Provide a reference to back up your argument. (This can be outside of the U.S. as well.)