[ORDER SOLUTION] Online Pharmaceutical Purchases
should include the following information (use headers to define sections):o Background on the topic:? Use citations, as indicated (APA format)o Relevant topic information:? Research, clinical trials, case studies, etc.? Use citations, as indicated (APA format)AND/ORo Evidence relating to the topic (Safety/Interactions/Concerns, etc.), as applicable.? Research, clinical trials, case studies, etc.? Use citations, as indicated (APA format)o Conclusion (YOUR conclusion-related to the evidence you found in your research, NOT the conclusion of the authors of your evidence).o References? Be sure to include LIVE links to the sources you chose for your assignment, need to be able to reviewEACH source and to use APA format.TOPIC:Online pharmaceutical purchases. Script needed or not? Why/why not? What are the issues associated with purchasing online? Is thissafe? Describe the drug availability and where the drugs may be distributed from. What happens if you purchase from an overseassupplier? Is there a lesser cost or higher cost? Is this legal/should it be?