Operations Management Processes
PLEASE DO NOT RUN THROUGH PLAGIARISM CHECKER. I WILL HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF SINCE MY UNIVERSITY RUNS IT THROUGH AS WELL.ObjectiveThe objective of the Individual Course Project assignment is for students to create or select an organization to which they can apply business processes based on a realistic situation that they would likely face in the real world business environment.SummaryStudents will create a new organizational structure for a selected new or existing organization to make specific recommendations and present to a group of organizational stakeholders. Students will play the role of an organizational manager in charge of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling business processes.Students will use the business strategies and methods discussed in the readings and class activities to present three Business Reports with a minimum of six pages but not to exceed 10 pages in length during Weeks 2, 4, and 6. Each report will follow the APA style.Week 4Submit the second Business Report of the Course Project: Operations Management Processes (130 points)Include the following:1. Type of Organizational Structure2. Communication Dynamics3. Transformation Process4. Supply Chain Strategies5. Total Quality Management6. PERT ChartNote: For this assignment, you would need to review “Chapter 7: Organization, Teamwork, and Communication” introduced during Week 3. Chapter 7 is attached