Organizational Communication and Change
Read the case linked below. In a thoughtful, well-considered essay, answer the following questions.Case: Marissa Mayers Two-Week Maternity Leave is Bullsh*t (ATTACHED)1. Describe the relationship between the organization and its environment. Use concepts from the reading to support your description.2. Would you describe this as risk communication, crisis communication, or both? Be sure to justify your answer with examples from the case and from the reading.3. Imagine you were a strategic communication consultant. How would you advise Yahoo to compose an effective communication strategy to appease involved stakeholders and the public?USE ONLY WHAT’S UPLOADED – NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ALLOWEDBOOK: FUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: KNOWLEDGE, SENSITIVITY, SKILLS, VALUES. 9TH EDITION, PAMELA S. SHOCKLEY-ZALABAK. 2015