Patient Identity Resolution
You have been hired to develop a process for identifying duplicate patient records in a patient database using the master patient index (MPI) architecture strategies. Deliverable elements of your briefing should include, but are not limited to:Describe data fields necessary to perform duplicate analysis to support rapidly emerging patient matching needs.Contrast conventional MPIs with those incorporating referential matching technology to match identities against the entire U.S. population.Explain HIPAA and HITRUST certification requirements for cloud-based, universally accessible nationwide MPIs.Detail potential statistical analysis of a patient database to determine characteristics & needs of patients served.Provide background and status of the 1999 prohibition, based on HIPAA privacy provisions, barring the involvement of the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services in private sector development of a unique patient identifier (UPI).Analyze the evolving focus shift to patient data matching and stakeholder perspectives on a coordinated, public-private health care sector national strategy.Update on the current status of Congress clarification of federal restrictions on assisting private organizations in launching a national patient identifier under its UPI prohibition.