Patient Treatment Plan
Provide a diagnosis. Describe ethical and legal considerations relevant to the client’s diagnosis; describe what needs to be done to address these issues. DSM-5 diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Ethical and legal considerations of diagnosis. Describe strategies designed to promote optimal sexual functioning and explains why these strategies are most appropriate for dealing with the client’s identified issues regarding sexuality. Short-term goals, based on theory choice from Unit 6 assignment. Long-terms goals, based on theory choice from Unit 6 assignment. Briefly describe three evidence-based systemic counseling interventions designed to promote optimal sexual functioning. Evidence-based treatment interventions. Apply relevant human sexuality research findings to inform the treatment of client’s identified sexual issues. Relevant research to support diagnosis and treatment plan. The written report is concise, balanced, logically organized, and it conforms to APA format and standards consistent with expectations for graduate-level writing. Cite and reference the resources that support your treatment interventions using the current APA guidelines. Utilize a minimum of six current articles from peer-reviewed journals in the counseling or related professions, from the Capella University Library. You may utilize your textbook, but it does not count as one of your six scholarly resources. You are also encouraged to utilize more than six resources, if they aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan. CASE STUDY Client is a 22 year old female. She states she has come to counseling because she wants to do a better job knowing herself and be brave enough to let others know her too. Client reports that she came out as bisexual several months ago and has had mixed reactions to this announcement. She states that she has told a few friends and some of them have disowned her. She also states that she has not told her parents or her best friend because she is worried that the same thing might happen (being disowned). She reports being conflicted about her sexuality for the past 4 or 5 years and states that she has known that she was different for a long time. She reports that she did not do anything about this in high school and ignored how she felt because she was worried about what others would say. She states now that she is in college and on her own that she feels it is safer to be able to explore her sexuality. She reports three relationships with men and two relationships with women but the relationships with women were a secret. She states that the last woman broke up with her because the client insisted on secrecy. Client reports a stable family environment growing up in a two-parent home. She reports that her mother was very controlling and tried to make her do ‘all sorts of things’ while she was growing up. She states she mostly complied because she did not want to get into trouble. She reports that her dad was somewhat dismissive and allowed her mom to ‘control the house’. She states that she received good grades throughout high school and was basically ‘a stellar child’. She reports that she played basketball and tennis and was interested in sports her junior and senior year. She reports one older brother and one younger sister and strong relationships with both siblings. She reports that she has lived away from home for the past three years with the first year on campus and the last two years living in a house with friends. She has been part of a sorority since her freshman year and feels very connected to the women who also are part of the sorority. She is worried that if they find out about her secret, they might kick her out of the sorority. Client states that she is studying environmental sciences and is happy with this choice. Client reports little income and is primarily supported by her parents. She states she works part-time on campus in the dean’s office and she likes this job, but she knows she needs to find something different that is more in her field of study. She reports no drug use, but she does reports some alcohol use. She states she primarily drinks when she is at parties with her sorority sisters. She reports no past or current legal problems. She reports no medical problems. She states that she has grown up Catholic, but she is currently not practicing. She states that she believes there is a God but she does not know how to reconcile this belief with her thoughts and feelings about herself. She states that her faith only makes her feel guilt. She states that she is worried that she is bisexual and that she is never going to ‘pick a side’. Her gay and lesbian friends are always joking around with her because she just ‘falls in the middle’. She reports this is her only real problem of concern. Her grades are As and Bs and she is on track to graduate in the fall.