Patients with Mental Illness
Topic: APRN as an advocate for dignity and respect of patients with mental illnessGuidelines:Choose a current APRN issue within your group project assignment domain.Write a 500-word paper not including the cover sheet and reference list that makes an argument, base on the literature, to support your position on the identified issue.The written paper should include an introduction which includes the following elements (usually about one paragraph):Introduce the problem to be addressedExplain why the topic is importantSet the stage for what will be discussedThe body of the paper should develop a coherent, logical and persuasive argument supporting your position on the identified issue using scholarly resourcesThe paper should end with a summary or onclusion (about one paragraph) that includes the following elements:Recap the purpose of the paperSummarize the main considerationsIdentify next steps or make recommendations.Use APA (7th edition) formatting ensuring the following elements are present:Include a title page, running head, page numbers, font, margins, titles, headings, tables (as indicated) and bibliography formatted correctly.Correctly format citations and references in APA 7th edition style.Write concisely, not exceeding 500 words exclusive of the title and references (i.e. bibliography). In-text citations will be included in the word count.Submit your written assignment in a Microsoft Office Word document. Other formats such as PDF, Plain text, HTML, and Pages documents will NOT be accepted.Your paper will be reviewed for plagerism using “TurnItIn”.