Perceptual Adaptation
While sensory adaptation allows us to adjust to changes in our environment, perceptual adaptation helps us adjust to changes in the way we experience the environment.Apply perceptual adaptation to an experience in your life. Expound on the experience and explain how perceptual adaptation was utilized.I ONLY NEED ABOUT 100-150 WORDS.I ALSO NEED A RESPONSE TO THIS THREADED DISCUSSION (100-150) WORDS.After the Hurricane we were without electricity for several days, this meant we had to use a generator for electricity. The generator was very loud and many households were using them through the course of the power outage.I had to adjust to the noise of all the generators.The first couple of nights I did not sleep well.As the days passed , I was able to sleep a little better through the noise the generators were making.My perceptual adaptation allowed me to adjust to the new noises in my environment and I was able to sleep through the constant noise of the generator.Being able to adapt to the noise allowed me to rest and be more at ease.