Person of the Psychotherapist
Books for this class: Gehart, D. (2016) Theory and Treatment Planning in Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2nd ed., Boston, MA Cengage Learning Tan, S-Y. (2011) Counseling and Psychotherapy A Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic Paper: Complete a minimum 4 page paper. 4 FULL PAGES! 1) Meaning, what has happened in your life that shaped you and resulted in you being in a counseling therapy training program? Is there anything about you personally that led you to the field of psychotherapy? Feel free to also incorporate any spiritual elements that may have influenced you in this direction. You may be as candid as you would like, include what you feel comfortable sharing. 2) Discuss the characteristics of a counselor and why these are important. 3) What strengths do you have that may help for future counseling? 4) What weaknesses/issues need to be addressed by you as you pursue a career in counseling? 5) How you will implement self-care strategies?