Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
This assignment will help you understand your own perspectives on educational. Responding to these ideas will clarify your values and goals as a teacher.
This paper is primarily about what you believe and why. Your own beliefs are one aspect of this assignment .
The other aspect is the “why” you believe the way you do. This means that you should discuss how you came to believe that way that you do about those ideas. What philosophy influenced you?
In essence you are to write a Philosophy of Education position paper, addressing your current perspective on education and schooling. You must define and describe your educational philosophy position while supporting your position in comparison to other philosophical traditions (perennialism, essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism, social reconstructionism, and existentialism).
The paper must include each of the following elements, with specific examples for each; philosophical perspective, purpose of education , role of school in society, role of teacher, and culturally relevant practices. Your philosophy of education must be stated in a logical and consistent manner, with each element aligned with and supporting your overall philosophical position.
Discuss what influences your beliefs.
Tips; use headings, use one idea per paragraph; use transition statements from one idea to the next ; at the beginning of your paper , include an intro that tells the reader what you are writing and how you will do it in the paper; include a conclusion that tells the reader what they just read; avoid abrupt endings; end with a thought that flows from the entire section of the concluding section. Avoid cliches and quotes. They add meaning to your work.
Explain your statements in your own words using critical thought. It should be at least 5 pages with two additional pages for your references and cover page with the following; your name, teachers name, the name and course number, the date, and the name of the assignment.
These are the topics that need to be covered;
1. Philosophical perspective, 2. Purpose of Education,
3. Role of school in society,
4. Role of teacher, and
5. Culturally relevant practices. Include the headings in each section of the paper. You are to use these headings NOT the associated questions. The questions are associated with each topic are to guide your thinking as you respond to the topic.
They are questions to guide your thinking as you respond to the topic. They are questions to guide your thoughts while writing each theme as guided by your philosophical view. 1. What is your philosophical perspective?
Philosophy of Education in Practice
Which philosophical perspective most aligns with your thinking (perennialism, essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism, social reconstructionism, and existentialism). Of course, this will change, develop, over time. Your thoughts on this will mature. Studying and writing about it now will help you hone in on your perspective for your practice. 2. and 3.
What is the purpose of education and the role of schools in society as far as philosophy of education is concerned? Why do we have schools? What purpose do schools serve? What is the role of the curriculum in education?
What purpose do schools and curriculum play in supporting the ideology of our country and the current time? Here, you tell the reader what you think about schools. Why do we have them? What do you think abut how they are structured? What are the goals of school?
Who should have access to education? What kind of access? How do you believe society can assure this access? Where does NCLB or Common Core fit into your beliefs? As a new teacher, how would you expect your school to support you, a new teacher?
These are questions that we have discussed from the different perspectives of various eras throughout history. Your philosophy of education paper/statement will need to address this question from your own perspective. What elements would you think should be a part of this statement? Democracy and its purpose.. how do schools extend on this mission for our country?
Work and its economic effect on the success of our country both within its function and globally and our standing in the world (trade, self-sufficiency, competition). How do schools meet these elements? What role do schools play in accomplishing these purposes?
Curriculum , standards (for consistency of equality/equity-meaning that all subpopulations can participate in the accomplishment of these purposes of schools. 4. What is the role of the teachers? What are the qualities of a good teacher? Explain in great detail.
Give examples; How should achievement of students be measured and should teachers be held accountable for their student’s success on those measures? What philosophical belief best describes your thinking about the role of the teacher? Give examples.
What about unions? How do unions affect (if at all) teacher performance? 5. What do you believe about culturally relevant practices? Ethnic diversity; what is your philosophy on adapting academic and social curriculum to include various ethnic diversity? How will these beliefs affect your instructional strategies?
What are your expectations of parents? How much power should parents have over the curriculum , teaching strategies, or grading? Who are our students (adults/children/immigrants-documented and undocumented)? What role do schools play regarding the obligation of education? How will these beliefs affect your instructional strategies?
Include students of racial/ethnic/religious/socioeconomic backgrounds different from your own; and students with special needs; How will these beliefs affect your instructional strategies?