Pioneering Early Childhood Education
1) 5 to 7 double-spaced, APA formatted pages inclusive of in-text citations 2) Title Page and a References Page are separate 3) Use no fewer than three resources; one must be a resource you identify that is not referenced in the course. Objective: Apply fundamental theories and concepts by focusing on one key aspect of early childhood education. NAEYC Standards: 2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 6d Provide background information (e.g., who started it? What was the time period? Where did it begin?) 3) Describe central concepts of the model. (5b) 4) Explain the value and role of positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of the models support of young children. (4a) 5) Demonstrate how the model addresses intentional teaching, curriculum, instruction, and assessment for todays young children. What are the effective strategies and tools for early education? If appropriate and/or relevant, include appropriate uses of technology. (4b) 6) Explain the roles of the parent, family and community (e.g., parents as teachers, family engagement, community partners). (2a) 7) Cite and discuss research that demonstrates the effectiveness of the model.