Plant Genetics and Breeding
OUTLINE FOR RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. INTRODUCTION (provide a broad yet meaningful of the subject matter under investigation) 2.RESEARCH QUESTIONS (between 3-5 only and should correspond with chapters) 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES and Statement of Problems
4. LITERATURE REVIEW (Should be fairly extensive and cover the major as well as most recent works. Provide a critical appraisal of the works under review and not mere summaries. These can be addressed in a thematic manner as well.) important
5 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY (e.g. the works contribution to knowledge)
6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method; methods of obtaining data i.e. primary & secondary sources, interviews (structured or semi-structured); methods of sampling, etc.)- library research, lab work, fieldwork, historical documentary, interview, survey, evaluation and analysis important Research proposal for PhD thesis, study area: Genetics and Breeding (Plants) Title of research proposal: Genetics and plant breeding for wheat disease resistance keywords: Wheat disease resistance breeding, genetics and plant breeding