Plato Vs. Aristotle
PLATO VS. ARISTOTLE (Lessons #8, 9, and 10)Answer all parts of this prompt in the proper order.1.) Give an account of Platos thoughts on womens roles in the ideal state.2.) Compare it with Aristotles theory of gender and politics.3.) Draw parallels to some views on women in the Western tradition, based on both philosophers views. (You may add your own opinion at any time.)Research of Outside Sources: You have to use, and refer to, the relevant Module(s). In addition, you should research at least 1 link in the Module(s), maximum 3, and refer to it/them in your essay. You have to provide a list of Works Cited/Bibliography. Use MLA style. Keep quotes short and relevant.This essay has to be between 500 and 800 words. (That is approx. the same as between 1 1/2 page and 3 pages, double-spaced.**USE ONLY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MODULES TO COMPLETE THIS ESSAY**