Pocahontas And the Powhatan Dilemma
Directions: Historians write and rewrite history; as a result, the meanings of specific historical people, events, and themes change over time. Professor Camilla Townsend promises to reveal not only a new biography of Pocahontas but also a more complete history of early encounters between the Powhatan Confederacy and English colonists. As a critical reader and a student of history (at least for this semester), it is up to you to decide how well it works in practice. Prompt: Please organize a (3-5 pg.) book review/reflection around one of the following questions. You may find it necessary to support your perspective with ideas that relate to other questions; however, do not try to answer every question. Make sure you are using sufficient evidence from the book. 2. In what ways did previous encounters with Europeans shape Powhatan’s hopes and fears when the English landed in 1607? In what ways did Native Americans adapt to the English presence? How did their strategies change between 1607 and 1622?