Political Extremism
General Information: the main goal of the final assignment is to evaluate the level of understanding of the course materials, as well as to test the student’s capabilities of integration and application of the materials to real life situations. The assignment must be done individually; assignments with similar rationale or structure will not be graded.Time- Frame: The assignment should be submitted to the course website by March 10th. We will not accept any assignment that will be handed in past this deadline. Please write your I.D number on the assignment itself (do not write your name).Length of the Assignment: The general length of each answer should not exceed the limit of 1000 words, double spacing, and font 12 (Times New Roman). In addition, it is recommended to add a cover page and a list of references. Any deviation from this format will lead to the disqualification of the assignment.Format of Writing:§ The writing will follow the acceptable academic format i.e., definitions of concepts, references to general theories, and references to previous empirical findings. You are not required to refer to bibliographical items that are not included in the courses reading list.§ The focus of this assignment is on the implementation of the general theories. You are required to provide a detailed theoretical and conceptual discussion and not to use only direct or indirect quotes from the course materials.Please select two of the following five topics. Each answer will form 50% of your overall grade.1. There are different ways in which people can make an effort to achieve social change. We have paid particular attention to tactical repertoires. Read the articles below and review the types of political activities expressed in these articles.a) In your answer, discuss the main forms of political action, concepts [e.g., repertoire of action, political violence, terrorism], typology, and findings that have emerged throughout our discussion on the prism through which repertoire of action is expressed.https://www.timesofisrael.com/25-settler-attacks-on-palestinians-reported-since-teen-died-in-police-chase/)https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/hundreds-of-haredi-protesters-blocking-main-roads-in-jerusalem-652905http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7660628.stm Sprinzak argues that we should distinguish between “violence of power” and “violence of powerlessness” and between “Intentional violence” and “unintentional violence”. Discuss these arguments and use two examples from the case studies we have studied during the course.c) Provide a recent case study from Israel that can demonstrate these arguments.2. Discuss existing tensions between religion and political violence. Does religion constitute the only factor for political violence?a. Discuss the relationship between religion and different forms of political violence. In your answer, relate to the cases we have discussed in class and to the conceptualization obstacles.b. In your answer, discuss the role of religion in Israeli political life and the tension between Jewish predominance and democracy in line with our class discussions.3. During the course, we have devoted much discussion to the process of radicalization and the motivations for political violence.a) Briefly describe and explain the factors involved in political violence. Choose two factors/theories and illustrate how they are expressed in two case studies which were examined during the course.b) Please read the following article and explain the motivations for political violence https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/07/03/at-least-80-wounded-60-arrested-as-ethiopian-israeli-protests-turn-violent/4. During the course, we have devoted much discussion to the phenomenon of political violence. We have addressed conceptual and methodological issues about defining and assessing political violence and avoiding the obstacles that have hindered previous research.a) Explain the difficulties involved in the use of the word violence and definitional problems posed by the concept of political violence. Why does conceptualizing so important for the understanding of the phenomenon?b) Does support for political violence necessarily predicts violent behavior? Explain various methodological problems involved in the study of [Jewish] terrorism and political violencec) What are the different types and expressions of political violence? Show examples.d) Do forms of political violence change across historical periods?5. Does the exposure of citizens to missiles, incendiary balloons or kites, or other types of political violence and terrorism, affect their political behavior?a) How does exposure to political violence affect civilians political attitudes and behavior, specifically radical political behavior? Give examples.b) Are citizens exposed to political violence to the same degree? In your answer, refer to difficulties in conceptualizing and in measuring the exposure to political violence.c) What are the psychological consequences of exposure to political violence? Give examples.