Political Literature Review | Instant Homework Solutions
Machiavelli, Hobbes and Clausewitz (International System) – The exercise should review only one article/chapter from a particular tutorials readings. (500 words ) – Your literature review is not a comparative exercise your primary focus is on the article that you are reviewing Your literature review should aim to do the following: o Situate the articles main argument i.e. in the discipline, where does the article fit o Summarise the main arguments that the article is making o Critically engage with these arguments by demonstrating whether you agree with them or not and why Essential reading (pick ones marked with an * ) * Quentin Skinner, The Advisor to Princes, in Machiavelli, Oxford University Press, 1981. * David Armitage, Hobbes and the Foundations of Modern International Thought, in Foundations of Modern International Thought (Cambridge: CUP, 2013), pp.59-74 * Michael Howard, Ends and Means in War, in Clausewitz, Oxford University Press, 1983, pp.34-46