[ORDER SOLUTION] Political Power
B. Creating Topic, Thesis and Methodology Statements 10 marks Choose ONE of the questions below For the question,wWrite a Topic sentence (2.5 marks), Thesis Sentence (5 marks), and Methodology sentence (2.5 marks) 1. How is John of Salisburys conception of political power consistent with the Great Chain of Being? 2. How can George Fredericksons investigation of the history of racism in the early modern period be related to the Great Chain of Being? Does racism belong to the GCB or does it show that it has been dismantled? C. Introductory Paragraphs: 20 marks Choose ONE of the topics below; 2 For the topic you choose, you must write an introduction to a hypothetical essay 1 1.5 pages (single-sided, 12 pt font, double-spaced, 1 margins). Your introduction must include: a description of your topic, a thesis statement, and a methodology. Your description of your topic should provide sufficient background for why the topic is even an issue in general and help to make sense of your particular thesis. Your thesis can be one to three sentences long. Your methodology should be fairly specific; dont just say I will discuss Blake and Kant, say what ideas or passages in particular you will discuss; You may use first-person singular (i.e., I) 3. In what ways does Shakespeares presentation of social class, revenge, and forgiveness in The Tempest overthrow the Great Chain of Being and adopt a modern sensibility? 4. How are (1) Galileos claims that physical events should be studied by means of the senses and reasoning and (2) Da Vincis representation of the human body related to each other? How are both of these different from the form of thinking in the Great Chain of Being?