[ORDER SOLUTION] Political Theory
Contrast communitarianism with a more individualistic theory such as John Rawls. How would a communitarian respond to such an individualistic theory? This paper is supposed to be an interpretation of some aspect of the works, in other words, an argument concerning some aspect of the work based on analysis of relevant textual evidence. This paper is not supposed to be a summary of the work, a statement of your opinion about the work, or a discussion of its historical significance or relevance. Frame this paper as an investigation of why and how the author makes the argument he or she does rather than simply saying what is said. Turn the topic into an argument. Must include a clear statement of your argument, provide relevant evidence, reasoning, and clear writing, demonstrate an understanding of the work. Cite the works by page numbers in parenthesis after the relevant reference or quotation. If it is clear what work you are quoting from, simply put the page number in parentheses. If you need to clarify which work you are using, simply add the author. You do not need to cite the specific edition of these works or include a bibliography unless using other sources. I have attached the powerpoints and readings with all the info.