Population Growth and Global Warming
The worlds population is expanding at such a rate that some natural resources are being stripped from the environment. This assignment deals with how global institutions are working to prevent the loss of these resources and the consequences of not having access to them.For your white paper, research the impact of population growth on society and write a minimum of four pages assessing this impact, citing at least five credible sources in your research. As you compose your paper, review the United Nations list of developing countries (available on the United Nations website) and select one country to use as an example throughout your assessment. Please include:A cover page with your name, title of course, date, and the name of your instructor.A one-half page introduction.A middle section that is numbered and divided into three one-page sections. Each of these sections should answer one of the following questions:What are greenhouse gases?How do they contribute to global warming?What kinds of economic, security, political, and other challenges do these emissions pose to the people of the developing world, and who are the biggest offenders?Is there any way to control the growth of population on a global level?A one-half page conclusion.This makes it a minimum total of four pages.Cite at least five credible sources excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias for your assessment.For a brief list of resources for this assignment, please see the end of the course guide.