[ORDER SOLUTION] Potential Solutions
Main task: Locate two potential solutions/improvements to the problem you wrote about in your CP (the previous writing we did) and answer the following questions about these solutions. To be clear: you will answer the 7 questions below for each of the two potential solutions/improvements:What does the policy/law/call to action aim to solve or improve?How does it aim to solve/improve? How will the solution or improvement be achieved?Who will solve the solution/improvement?Who will the solution/improvement impact? How?Are there any risks or potential drawbacks?Who supports the solution/improvement? Who is against it? For what reasons?Who do you need to persuade? In other words, who is the focus/target of your advocacy?Use at least two new sources to support each solution/improvement and your claims about them. For claims that you can’t yet support with evidence, note where youre making an assumption by using the mark (A) and where you need to do more research with (R).In total, then, you should locate at least four new sources and add these sources to your corresponding CP bibliography.