Praiseworthy Superhero
Read the article and write a 5 sentence thesis statement about the article whether affirmative or negative. Prompt: Develop one thesis in response to the week’s readings. This thesis and its explanation should be one paragraph long, with no more than five sentences. Example: Elgendy claims that Batman is a more praiseworthy superhero than Superman since one should be praised for one’s virtues such as ingenuity, resourcefulness, and discipline rather than one’s innate capacities.
However, I argue that these virtues are not accurately situated if they are separated from the virtue of discernment or prudence, which Batman fails to show. Specifically, Batman neglects to understand his practices in light of Gothams social and economic conditions.
If he did, he would realize that his nemeses are an after-effect of widespread deprivation and desperation and that his resourcefulness and discipline would be put to more just use in redistributing his fabulous wealth rather than using it to creatively beat up bad guys. Notes: 1.) Your thesis may be interpretive concerning how to understand what we’ve read or evaluative making your own argument in response or some combination of both, keeping in mind that a good thesis is clear, concise, and makes a defined claim.
2.) You may write about just one of the weeks assigned texts, or more than one, keeping in mind that a good thesis is clear, concise, and makes a defined claim. 3.) Your thesis should be neither obvious nor beyond the pale. If any reasonable person of goodwill already believes your thesis, then it’s obvious. If any reasonable person of goodwill couldn’t actually affirm your thesis, then it’s beyond the pale.
These categories are subject to contestation, but the point of invoking them is to say that we should both express care for each other, even in our thought experiments, and muster enough courage to venture significant claims.