Pride Parade
Write a response paper that consists of four sections (included, some guiding questions): 1. Descriptive: What is the performance/event/parade subject matter? What are the main points raised by the performance/event/parade? What expectations did you bring to the performance/event/parade? Who are the members of the community that the work is addressed to? What was the performance space like? Can you describe the events production values? The makeup of the audience (if applicable)? The atmosphere ? 2. Analytical: How successful was the performance/event/parade in conveying the material and/or subject matter to the viewer? What worked or engaged you? What did not ? 3. Reflective: How did the actual viewing relate to your personal experience, if any, on the subject matter? Why was the performance/event/parade successful or failed at communicating the main ideas to you? In which ways is this work relevant to you and/or the community that it is intended to ? 4. Critical: You must engage other course material: What aspects of the course work, discussions, and readings, including foundational readings and plays, can you relate to this event/experience?