Prison Industrial Complex
Prison Industrial Complex
Submit an essay that provides some summary, assessment and conclusions related to one of the three topics listed below.
I suggest developing this as an expository essay where you begin the discussion with an introduction (with transition sentences), the body of the paper (which provides some assessment and analysis of the material you are covering using citations to substantiate and validate your claims), and a conclusion that revisits some of the points made in the body of your essay to substantiate your finding(s).
Each essay should be a minimum of 3 pages and not more than 5. Citations in the body of your essay should be drawn from material you have read (3 class texts), films you may have seen, or other material you seek out or that is provided in Canvas to provide context and background related to the choice you make. Submit your essay using the assignment submission tool.
Prison Industrial Complex Topic
Evaluate the prison industrial complex. Report on the history of its development, the various arguments for and against, the political and sociological components that challenge the expansion of private prisons (for profit, corporate entities), and conclude with a affirmative or negative assessment of the private prison industry.*No need for an abstract. Just a cover and reference page.