Professional Profile Creation
Doyle, A. (2019, February 25). How to create professional online profiles. Linaker, E. (n.d.). How to develop a digital presence for professional success. Entrepreneur. Raj, N. (2018, September 1). How to write effective emails. The Writing Cooperative. Spencer, L. (2017, December 29). The best free online presentation software tools for 2018. Zhang, L. (2018). The secret to building a Linkedin profile that gets results. The Muse. TechRadars list of the best free presentation software(with LinkedIn Activity)Read the articles by Doyle, Linaker, and Zhang. Then do the following (two parts):1. Create your own professional online profile, suitable for LinkedIn. Limit your profile to only three of the areas discussed by Zhang: headline, summary, and experience. Follow the advice of Zhang and or other sources for each.2. In a separate document of up to 300 words, explain the principles you followed in creating your profile and discuss the advantages of social media networking through a professional profile like the one you have created.Your profile and the separate document should be concise and clearly written, with a tone appropriate for a professional setting. Before submitting, read over your profile to be sure the writing is clear, with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Submit both documents through the Written Assignment 6 link.