Professional Public Writing
It is a research paper that is supposed to answer the questions: How does professional public writing, specifically blogs and articles, influence positively or negatively the racial identity of Latinos in the United States? Thesis statement: While public writing, particularly blogs and articles, positively affect most peoples perspectives of themselves, negative public writing directed toward Latinos adversely influences their racial identity, causing feelings of exclusion, lack of motivation in the workplace and producing high levels of self-consciousness. Here is my exploratory essay which explains a little: My topic is focused on the effect public writing can have in the cultural identity of Latinos. My question is How does professional public writing, particularly blogs and articles, influence the racial identity of Latinos in the United States?. The main purpose is to see if the writing most Latinos encounter on the daily might affect how they feel about their self and their culture. I would like to see if types of public writing affect their personal racial identity in a positive or negative way. What I plan to do with this project is expand my knowledge on how writing affects how people feel and perceive themselves, in this case how Latinos feel about their racial identity after reading articles about specific topics regarding their ethnicity. This project is valuable because in the United States there is a lot of debate regarding Latinos, Latino immigrants and citizenship. I notice how there are articles and posts degrading the Latino culture which can make them feel inferior and excluded, considering most are legal citizens and should be accepted as one, just as any other American. I plan to approach this project by, firstly, researching about racial identity in a broad aspect, and then focusing on Latinos racial identity explicitly. Then, I would proceed with researching professional public writing, mostly articles or blogs, that might degrade the Latino culture and also some who dignify it. Later on, notice how the writing I encountered can affect Latinos racial identity by comparing all the aspects found previously.