[ORDER SOLUTION] Professional Writing Skills
Objectives:Practice citation and bibliography.Explain an informal fallacy.Reading:”Informal Fallacies by John Arthur.” (attached below)You may also use FallacyFiles.org for examples of fallacies. On the left-hand side of the web page, there is an “alphabetical list of fallacies” that you can searchthrough.*Practice structure. Keep paragraphs separate, and introduce topics in order. See Professional Writing Skills: Structure*For citation and bibliography instructions, see Professional Writing: Quotations or APA citation HELPSHEET .pdfInstructions:Write 3 paragraphs explaining the following:1. Define ONE SPECIFIC informal fallacy (i.e., “ad hominem,” “slippery slope” etc.) Make sure to use a formal definition and cite the source. Cite as (author, year, page number)2. Explain the informal fallacy by using an example of an argument that commits that fallacy. The example of the argument should be in quotation marks. Or, provide your own example of an argument that commits the fallacy. Remember, you are USING the example to support your explanation of how the fallacy works, so explain the example briefly.3. Explain how the fallacy is a using faulty reasoning (i.e., explain WHY it is a bad form of reasoning). Give sufficient explanation to show your reader why that fallacy is irrational.4. Provide bibliography.