Profit and Non Profit Management | Instant Homework Solutions
Write one paragraph containing background information on the organization the speaker or the topic being addressed, obtained from the speakers organization website, handouts, or other. This information cant come from comments or stats given by the speaker in class; it should show a little outside research. Provide an APA reference for this source. Write three-four paragraphs applying the speakers comments to class material. Identify three four topics from class that the speaker addressed. For each topic, explain the concept and best practices as we learned it in class. Then, apply each topic to remarks made by our guest. How did what s/he shared illustrate or give evidence of a management topic you just explained/defined? Be sure to explain the topic and make specific linkages/quotes from the speakers remarks. Write one paragraph at the end describing a takeaway point or important new insight that you gained by hearing this speaker. In what way did your thinking change? It can be about your own career direction, about the field of public administration, an important skill or habit of the manager, or the like.