Programming Language Review
1) (1%) Choose one language that is representative for each one of the four programming subparadigms explained above. These four languages will be your Topics: a. You do not need to limit yourself to the contents available in the Internet; b. You are free to use books, scientific magazines, etc. as your main sources of information, if you want; 2) (45%) Write at least 500 words about each one of the Topics you chose in step 1: a. Loss of 25% per Topic that you do not write about; b. 400-499 words loss of 20%; 300-399 loss of 40%; 200-299 loss of 60%; 100-199 words loss of 80%; 0-99 words loss of 100%. c. Ensure that each new Topic starts on top of a new page; 3) (50%) Write at least 800 words comparing and contrasting AppInventor 2 with the Topics you chose in step 1. (Tip: 200 words per Topic this is not mandatory, but a suggestion only): a. 600-799 words loss of 20%; 400-599 loss of 40%; 200-399 loss of 60%; 100-199 words loss of 80%; 0-99 loss of 100%. b. Ensure you include all the four Topics from step 1: i. 3 Topics loss of 40%; 2 Topics loss of 60%; 1 Topic loss of 90%. 4) (2%) Ensure you have a cover page (title and your name) and index page; 5) (2%) Ensure you have a References page (APA);