Project Implementation Failures Assignment
Project Implementation Failures Assignment
Project Implementation Failures Assignment
Health Care IT Project Implementation Failures Resource: Ch. 6 of Essentials of Health Information Systems and Technology.
Consider the following scenario:
During the third week of your internship, the CIO emails your team several examples of other IT project implementations. Later that day, she says, Review the examples I sent you about the implementation process. I attached a list of questions for you to answer about how the implementation process works and why IT projects sometimes fail. Im most interested in your analysis of how organizations like ours can minimize the occurrences and effects of IT failures.
Read the Case StudyMemorial Health System CPOE Implementation.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you answer the following questions:
What is the typical IT implementation process? What are the roles and responsibilities involved in system implementation?
How did the process described in the case study fail to include the fundamental activities of a typical IT implementation process?
What are at least five indicators of project failure that manifest themselves in the case study?
For each indicator you described, what might you have done differently to eliminate or minimize its effect?
Format your Health Care IT Project Implementation Failures paper according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your Health Care IT Project Implementation Failures assignment.
HCS 483 WEEK 5 Benchmark AssignmentTechnology Trends Proposal Presentation
Resources: Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l, Week Three Technology Trends Proposal Part ll, and Week Four Technology Trends Proposal Part lll assignments.
Imagine you work for a health care organization and have been asked to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of health care delivery.
Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present your research and recommendations to the Board of Directors of the health care organization.
Use the content from the Technology Trends Proposal assignment in Weeks Two through Four and research the educational and training needs for the selected technology to help you develop your presentation.
Discuss the following in your presentation:
Analyze the types of technology trends you researched.
What are the types and uses of technology across the health care industry?
Which technology trend did you select? Why?
Analyze the impact of the technology trend you selected.
What impact does the trend have on the health care organization?
What are the benefits of the selected technology that support quality initiatives?
Analyze the security risks and privacy safeguards related to the technology trend you selected.
What are the privacy risks and security safeguards of the selected technology?
How do these security risks and privacy safeguards follow state and federal regulations?
How might you minimize the risks and maximize the safeguards?
Examine strategies to evaluate system effectiveness of the technology selected.
What strategies will be used to evaluate system effectiveness of the selected technology?
Why did you select the strategies?
Analyze the need for education and training on the use of the selected technology trend.
What are the educational and training needs for the use of the selected technology?
How might the education and training needs vary by the employees role in the organization?
How would you determine if education and training are needed outside of the organization?
Include a title slide, detailed speaker notes, and a references slide.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.
Format your references according to APA guidelines in the speaker notes and the references slide.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.