PSYC300 Week 8 Discussion
Im trying to learn for my Psychology class and Im stuck. Can you help?
For the past seven weeks, we have been thinking about research methods in psychology and the important role they play in understanding the world around us. Reflect on what you have learned in responding to the following:
- What impact might research methods have on the future of the field of psychology?
- What is the most important concept you have learned in our time together in class?
- As you consider your personal narrative, what tools and insights can you apply from the course to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in your daily life?
Minimum 300 words
Classmate #1:
What impact might research methods have on the future of the field of psychology?
With the ever changing culture and continual advances in science and technology, society as a whole will change with the times. As this happens, new issues arise needing new research. If you look back say 100 years, the problems or even gains that trigger certain behavior has dramatically changed. For example, a study of gender roles from them would show something completely different now. Why would this be important? Well that is a broad question, but we can conclude that the ripple effects will drive questions and ideas in the field of psychology. Another example is the education platforms and treatment options for military members. Since 9-11, more Americans are injured by blast exposures which led to research gains with head trauma and neuroscience. That also can be tied into and linked to the same signs and symptoms found in NFL football players who have exposure to repeatedly hitting their head/TBIs which over time show similar to that of military members.
What is the most important concept you have learned in our time together in class?
I have learned that, I have A LOT to learn! But my key take away from this course is to have reliable and accurate research using both quantitative and qualitative data. Also, to be mindful not to go too far beyond the scope of the data as the information then becomes confusing/convoluted.
As you consider your personal narrative, what tools and insights can you apply from the course to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in your daily life?
Psychology in my words is the bridge between humanity and the science behind the control center which is our brains. If you really think about it, our brain is just physical matter which controls every single mechanical action in our body. However, it goes so far beyond this as a human being with emotions and all the areas of the mind that take part collectively to make an individual. No two people are the same. Even identical twins each have their own personality and are unique spiritual beings. The tools from this course can be applied to everyday life. As Kelly believed each person is like their own scientist.
Classmate #2:
Hi Class!
Research methods in psychology will continue to give us more insight into our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. We are all different therefore different methods are required depending on the situation or problem. As the world changes and evolves so will some of the research methods eventually leading to new methods. Understanding why or how we feel, think, and behave will always be of importance. Research methods can teach us how to possibly change things or thoughts that are not necessarily healthy for individuals or society as a whole. The future impact of research methods in psychology will definitely continue to advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the welfare of society.
The most important concept that I have learned in this class is research ethics. I now have a clear understanding of the concept of scientific research only being ethical if its risks are outweighed by its benefits. Moral principles in psychology involve weighing risks against benefits, acting responsibly and with integrity, seeking justice, and respecting people’s rights and dignity. Participants in studies are usually the ones taking the risks while the beneficiaries are usually the researchers. Participants need researchers to be transparent in what the study is about in order to trust them. There can be difficult tradeoffs because what is good for the scientific community could be bad for research participants. This is referred to as ethical conflict. In scientific research this is unavoidable because most times there will be conflict between risks and benefits.
One of the insights I can apply to become a more educated consumer of psychological research in my daily life is analyzing a situation by being able to examine and understand all the information involved. If I can understand the findings then I will be able to make an informed decision about the situation.
Classmate #3:
Good Morning Everyone,
We finally made it to our last week and it has been a difficult few weeks. Congratulations to everyone who has made it this far, and best of luck in the final week! I believe that research methods will have a positive effect on the future of psychology. Understanding and applying these methods will ensure that future generations, (the ones who will be here when we are gone) will have existing data and studies to further develop and support, just like building stairs or steps. As modern day turns into history, a new level of stairs will be built. Knowing how to properly create and apply questionnaires, surveys, and/or conducting studies in general, will help keep a set of established norms in place. This will further aid in supporting a theory or casting doubt on one.
The most interesting concept that I learned about this semester was primary and secondary sources. I have always looked for sources when reading news articles, but never thought about doing the same for research studies. The most important concept would have to be understanding quantitative data versus qualitative data. It is important to understand which type of study is best for a given topic, since both have advantages and disadvantages. Quantitative data represents numerical data which can sometimes lead to narrow findings and lead to errors in inferences. Qualitative data can be useful by allowing participants to give opinion-based responses. The downside to this is that the study may take longer to collect and may require a bigger budget.
In my own personal life, understanding where the information is coming from, and who is funding the research are two insights that were further expanded on these past eight weeks. Understanding researcher honesty, integrity, and motivation are important factors when trusting a source and applying it to my professional and personal life.
Minimum 150 words