Psychological Disorder
Students will write a paper on a childhood psychological disorder. The paper must incorporate information from key studies provided by your instructor (note that it is important to read these key studies prior to selecting your paper topic). Choose one of the following:1. Prevent PTSD (Zohar)2. McNaughton study #13. McNaughton study #2The paper will be a maximum of 15 pages and will include the epidemiology, etiology, interventions, and a case study for the disorder. The paper must conform with APA publication standards.5 Points for APA (7th edition professional) Research Paper Formatting:Learning to write a proper APA paper is crucial to success as a college student. Since the goal of your education is to make you a competent professional, you are expected to submit your paper in APA 7th edition PROFESSIONAL FORMAT (not the Student Format).*If you decide to use the APA 7th edition student format, you must write a note at the bottom of the title page stating that you have chosen to use APA 7th edition student format. In using the student format, you are only eligible for 3 of the possible 5 points, and one point will be deducted for each formatting error.APA formatting will need to include Title Page, Abstract, Body of the Paper including headings sections, in-text citations, and References section. Minor errors in APA formatting will be docked at 1 point per error, so be sure to research APA (7th edition) formatting intensely. Please note that leaving large amounts of space on a page to increase page count, or leaving a section heading orphaned at the bottom of a page will be considered a formatting error for the purposes of this assignment.5=No significant APA (7th edition professional) formatting errors(take careful note to ensure the first 3 pages are formatted correctly).4=One minor formatting error.3=Two deviations from APA formatting or missing a section.0-2 = Major errors in formatting5 Points for Psychological Content:The student will also be evaluated on the quality of covering material within the assignment. Ensuring that all the areas are covered with quality writing will form the basis of this evaluation. Minor or major errors in dealing with any of the sections will result in docked marks.5= Student presents all areas in an exceptional manner and supported by the best multiple peer-reviewed research.4= All areas represented with good support from peer-reviewed research.3=Good coverage of the areas; but lacking in some area or the depth of current research0-2 = Lacking in multiple areas5 Points for Research Quality and Writing:The student will be evaluated on depth of research, and quality of writing. The research should include current, peer-reviewed journals. Ideally, the student should use two new peer-reviewed journals per page of text. The writing should be simple, clear, engaging, and free of errors. Minor or major errors, or an over-reliance on non-peer-reviewed material will result in docked marks.5= Exceptionally written in simple clear language, with concise support and no errors.4= Well written in depth, flow, clarity, and organization.3= Well written with a minor error or weakness.0-2= Lacking in multiple areas.