Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study
Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study This unit well be investigating ecosystems and their functions, with a focus on the human impacts on these systems. For this project, you will select one endangered species or one threat (such as habitat loss) to investigate further, and then propose your own solution . Focusing on a specific species or one specific problem in a local region will help you create a more targeted solution.BIO 100 Rutgers Univ Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS PROBLEM You can focus on any of the major ecological issues leading to biodiversity loss today. But, you should choose one specific issue in one location . Or focus on one endangered species and the threats it faces. The issue and the location (or species) you choose to focus on is up to you, but I can provide guidance and suggestions if you dont know where to start.Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study Habitat Loss Overharvesting Exotic Species Climate Change Pollution You will then design a solution to the problem that is specific to the location in which that problem is occurring. For instance, if youre investigating loss of wetlands habitat in Los Angeles County, the solution should reflect the unique aspects of this issue in this location. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO First, define the problem: What is the problem you are trying to address through your solution? What are the main causes of this problem? What data or evidence can you provide to underscore the importance of this issue? How can you prove that changing human activity could have a positive impact? Next, design the solution: You have read steps that people are taking to address the crisis facing particular endangered species. Based on what you have read and discussed, and with an eye to the individual species or threat you are focusing on, what could a possible solution to the problem be? Then, evaluate the solution: How would you know if it is working? What are the environmental, social and economic concerns with implementing this solution? Refine the solution: Suggest some ways to address these concerns. What else might be needed? What organizations or stakeholders would be necessary or helpful to implement the solution? Please follow the rubric as well! Unit 5 Ecological Issues & Solutions Project Rubric PLEASE COMPLETE A THREE PAGE RESEARCH ESSAY AND ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RUBRIC + OUTLINE ABOVE. YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE DETAILED! ?? Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10