Psychological Testing
Radio Link: Instructions: Listen to the podcast episode as many times as needed. Notice that you aren’t asked to “play the podcast while doing other things.” This isn’t a multitasking assignment. It requires attention, reflection, and engagement. Take some time to marinate in what you heard. Don’t start writing immediately, but perhaps make some notes about things in the story that stood out. This episode goes in a few different directions so I’ll let you decide for yourself whether you need to listen twice. Write down your thoughts about this episode. This is the same thing we did for the previous episode. A paragraph is fine, but say as much as you’d like. In addition to your thoughts about the episode, provide answers to these questions: What is your opinion about “intelligence” after hearing these couple episodes? You heard that the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) has been updated many times since its original design that Darryl experienced. You can see here that it’s currently in the 5th edition. I’m aware that you don’t know anything about the current version but I’m curious about how you see it after these stories. Would you trust the WISC-5 to provide a valid, reliable IQ score for you or a loved one (why/why not)?