Psychosomatic Disorders in Media
Find one of the following psychosomatic disorders in a book, TV show, or movie (suggestions follow). Conversion disorder Factitious disorder (including factitious disorder imposed on another) Illness anxiety disorder Malingering Symptom somatic disorder After reading or watching, discuss the following in your initial post: 1-Briefly describe relevant information about the person and their symptoms from the show or book. 2-Compare what you saw or read about the disorder with how the disorder is described in the DSM-5. 3-Did the person receive treatment or medication? Was that treatment what is recommended? 4-What were their family and friends’ reactions to the disorder? 5-Do you think this show or book helps or hurts the understanding of mental illness? 6-If you were seeing this person as a patient, would you do anything different than what was portrayed in the show or book? PUT THE QUESTION THEN YOUR ANSWER The following is a starting list; web searches will find many more: 2 Days in Paris (2007): Illness anxiety disorder Afflicted (2018, Netflix): A variety (It’s one thing to work with a real, although psychosomatic, medical diagnosis; in this show, they also deal with illness not recognized by science; see Afflicted and the Tragedy of Fake Illnesses (Links to an external site.) .) Amelie (2001): Somatic symptom disorder Better Call Saul (2015 ): Somatic symptom disorder Ferris Buellers Day Off: Factitious disorder Greys Anatomy, Season 2, Deny, Deny, Deny: Factitious disorder Hannah and Her Sisters (1986): Illness anxiety disorder Hollywood Ending (2002): Conversion disorder Loverboy (2004): Factitious disorder imposed on another Memento (2000): Malingering My Girl (1991): Somatic symptom disorder, factitious disorder Safe (1995): Somatic symptom disorder St. Therese of Lisieux (2004 movie or the real Catholic saint): Conversion disorder The Act (2019, Hulu): Factitious disorder imposed on another The Secret Garden (the book or any film version): Somatic symptom disorder Tommy (1975): Conversion disorder