[ORDER SOLUTION] Public Health Crisis
Written reflection assignments are designed to build on core concepts presented in class, giving you an opportunity to think more critically about and apply those concepts. All reflection assignments must be 2 pages in length and follow the written assignment guidelines (see below). Excellent grammar and vocabulary are expected. Citations are not necessary. You will be graded on your ability to fully and completely respond to the prompt while adhering to the page length requirement and the written assignment guidelines.Written Assignment Guidelines12 pt fontAcceptable fonts: Calibri, Cambria, Times New Roman1 marginsDouble spacedPrompt: According toAPHA, 14 cities and towns, including school committees and local boards of health, across Massachusetts have declared that racism is apublic health crisis. Why is racism a public health issue? What is the significance of these predominantly white leaders stating that racism in a public health crisis? As a public health practitioner, what action steps would you recommend these leaders take next?