Public Safety Technology
1. What is the future of public safety technology? Identify at least five areas that you consider are the most important parts when dealing with technology? Summarize what you have learned and explain why public safety managers should be part of the technology innovation process. (Minimum of 100 word response for full credit) 2. Identify at least two types of technology that you believe will continue to grow in the next ten years. Explain how and in what context? Does the technology help or hurt public safety? Examples include nanotechnology or cloaking technology. (Minimum of 100 word response for full credit) 3. Describe the similarities and differences of NIBRS and UCR. (Minimum of 100 word response for full credit) 4. Describe how crime mapping technology can be used in the deployment of law enforcement personnel in the field. This is of particular importance due to the decrease in public funds for many police agencies. (Minimum of 100 word response for full credit) 5. Research the public safety budget process in your jurisdiction. Ascertain and evaluate the types of budgets, budget cycle and time periods used by the specific agency. How is the budget administered? Be specific and list the actual agency. (Minimum of 100 word response for full credit)