[ORDER SOLUTION] Quantitative Development
Repetition task 5-1: What method would you use to develop the technical strategy draft? Give reasons for your answer. Repetition Task 5-2: What method could the customer segmentation be based on? Reason. Repetition task 5-3: What method would they use for creating the value network apply? Reason. Repetition task 5-4: How can the quantitative development be planned? Method? Repetition task 5-5: Which method is suitable for creating the technical draft of the Process? Reason. Assistance Methods and tools for the preliminary examination: ABC analysis Eisenhower matrix or portfolio analysis Benchmarking Methods and tools for recording the current situation: Self-recording Questionnaire observation Multi-snapshot Document analysis Methods and tools for the as-is analysis: Checklist Check matrix ABC analysis SWOT analysis Methods and tools for generating solutions: brainstorming Brainwriting Morphological analysis Methods and tools in solution evaluation: Verbal evaluation Investment calculation Utility analysis Cost-benefit analysis Methods and tools for implementation Methods and tools for evaluation: Benchmarking survey