Reaction Paper
Please write a reaction paper 350 words including abstract in 6 Edition APA to the controversial statement given below based upon the websites viewed earlier and your readings in the text.
-No effective structures or information is currently available to assist law enforcement in dealing with the threat from organized crime on the street or in the courtroom.
-We know that this is a controversial statement because there are laws in place to fight organized crime on the street and in the courtroom. *** Use any one of these websites as references: and read the information found under the heading
Witness Security Program. ao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/110mcrm.htm and review this portion of the United States Attorney’s Manual regarding the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
and at a minimum review the document from the cover through Page 7 to gain an understanding of fusion centers and the guidelines for developing and sharing information in a new era.