Realism in Theater
Essay One: Imagine yourself as an actor, designer, director, or producer somewhere in the period of 1880-1935 in England or America and that you are an ardent proponent of Realism. Write an essay explaining what your goals are for your theatre company, show, staging, acting, set/light/prop design, etc. That is, through a combination of both imagination and demonstrated understanding of the material covered in class about this historic movement, explain your understanding of Realism in a creative essay that declares your vision. Feel free to reference and acknowledge certain influntial people, artists, ideas, plays, and forces. You are to creatively make an artistic declaration as a Realist. (30 points)Essay Two: Imagine yourself as a virulent Anti-Realist following in the footsteps of other artistic reactions against Realism in art and theatre. Declare your own anti-realist movement in your own anti-realist manifesto. Or align yourself with one of the anti-realist movements we discussed. Whether you declare yourself a Dadist, Futurist, Surrealist, Aesthete, etc., or you originate your own anti-realist artistic movement, make sure to be clear, creative, and reveal an understanding of manifestoes and anti-realism tracts. (30 points)(Two pages for each essay)