Regulatory Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
With the consideration of the World Heritage application, the GMP has shifted in perspective. Just preserving and keeping grassland is not acceptable any more. However, the internal regulations for the NPS and the other regulatory guidance under which they fall has not changed. But if the property is under prairie showing small raises in the earth when there should be 30 foot mounds, and looks more like a pasture than an earthwork, how will they meet the UNESCO criteria? UNESCO is a proponent of rebuilding (think the rebuilt Great Wall of China – would you travel all the way there to see piles of rubble?). This flies in the face of the other regulations. Part of the purpose of the World Heritage Grant is to increase tourism so the experience a person has is as important as the preservation aspect. So, the problem is how do you represent the earthworks in question? One hundred years of history in the US is adamantly opposed to reconstruction. NPS says you should not reconstruct historic features except in extraordinary circumstances. Your job is to look at all the regulations and determine what the appropriate actions should be. Is this a legal issue? Moral/ethical because of the Native American component? Or purely economic? How do the regulations support each other? Contradict each other? How would you advise the NPS to proceed based on these criteria? Are there “work arounds” that would allow them to meet the intent of the regulations but satisfy the need to show a site worthy of World Heritage designation? As a public administrator, you will not be as involved in case law as you will this type of decision. How will you proceed? Please prepare a 15 – 18-page paper (text, not front or back matter) on your response. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format. You can find additional information on the APUS Library Guide at Pubadmin ( under the Special Topics Hopewell Resources. You need at least 15 sources to include the regulations. Part of the assignment is to read the regulations and familiarize yourself with them and how they are written so I am looking for a good number of the primary sources here as well as scholarly articles. The paper should be double-spaced with a header that contains your name, date, class and paper title.