[ORDER SOLUTION] Renewable Energy Sources
Please consider the following prompts; select one and reply using about 500 words. After formulating your response, please comment on one peer’s response. These responses can be used in your final ePortfolio at the end of the quarter.Choose a source that you cited in the CP and that you also plan to refer to in the AP. How will the source function differently in the second essay? Make sure to discuss the different rhetorical situations of each text (thinking in particular about purpose, audience, and your ethos).Whats the most significant source youve found in your research since completing the CP? Why is it so importantwhat did you learn from it, or how has it influenced your approach to your topic, that is new or different?What are you doing differently in your research since completing the CP? If your approach has changed, explain why. Consider discussing specific successes or failures in your research earlier in the quarter, and how your adjustments are affecting the current state of your research.