Researching Depression
Research the causes, symptoms, and treatments for depression. Note: Depression is similar to, and different from, sadness. This is especially important for interpersonal communication because the behaviors that would help a sad person would not necessarily help a depressed person, and vice versa. Research the constructive and destructive ways of communicating with those suffering from depression. Note: Research sources should include a combination of books, journal articles, Internet searches, and/or discussions with mental health professionals. Using a variety of sources is important because you are likely to find disagreement among sources on some of these issues. Prepare a 2-3 page paper that answers the following questions: What is depression, and how is it related to sadness? What are the causes of depression? What are the common symptoms of depression? What therapies exist to treat depression? What are the most constructive and destructive ways of communicating with a depressed person? Submission Instructions