Role Models and Mentors
Part of being a Middle Adult is to provide guidance, support and give back to younger generations. There are many different ways people can give back and help younger generations. Some ways people give back is becoming mentors, tutors, teachers, volunteer. People describe a role model as someone who has some characteristics that are admirable. You may want to be as kind, smart, or as funny as he or she is.Who is the first person that comes to mind when you think of a role model? If you don’t have a role model, think about what you would like in a role model?Is this person a male or female?What is his or her relationship to you?List three characteristics of this person that you would like to emulate.1.2.3.A mentor is an individual with whom you work closely. A mentor is someone who promotes your skills and assists you with your career goals. Think of a mentor in your life. If you have not had a mentor in your life, think about what qualities you would like to have in a mentor?Is this person a male or a female?Do you believe this person considers him- or herself important to your career development?Will you ask this person for help in making decisions about your future? Why or why not?Do you believe this person’s gender is an important characteristic to you? Why?List three characteristics of this person that you like.1.2.3.