Sartre No Exit
This is your “interchangeable” assignment for Sartre. For this paper you must write a 2-3-page paper (600-1,000 words, double spaced, etc.) analyzing of the following passage. “Inez, they’ve laid their snare damned cunningly–like a cobweb. If you make any movement, if you raise your hand to fan yourself, Estelle and I feel a little tug. Alone, none of us can save himself or herself; we’re linked together inextricably. So you can take your choice.” Your paper should not have a general or “fluffy” introductory paragraph. Instead, it should have a very short and specific intro paragraph that covers the key ideas that you will discuss in the paper. For example, you can start simply by saying “In this passage Sartre…” (No need to repeat the passage itself.) In order to analyze the passage, you should identify 2 or more key ideas from the quote, and explain what their significance is for the philosopher’s view in your own words. You should consider the significance of surrounding text of the quoted passage, such as how it supports the author’s broader philosophical purpose and position. Reference to other parts of the text is helpful, but you should not directly quote them (or at most quote small snippets, less than a whole sentence). Best is to explain them in your own words and cite a page number in parentheses like this: so and so (6). References should be to page numbers of the pdf posted. The paper should use clear, economical writing in modern academic style.