Shelby County v. Holder
Write a comprehensive essay that addresses the following questions. Make sure to cite your work and submit through free online plagiarism and grammarly check before submission. Similarity score should be no more than 20 percent. Shelby County v. Holder 1. What are the facts of each case (what were the questions asked; the opinion of the court, the concurring opinion; dissenting opinion). 2. What will be the effect of this decision on state voting laws? If the laws supporters were right about the importance of the section 5 deterrent, what should we expect to happen in the formerly covered jurisdictions in the next few years?. 3. How should we read Shelby County? In other words, has congressional power to regulate elections now reached its lowest point? 4. What should Congress do now if it wants to craft a constitutional coverage formula? Is federal preclearance a system that should be retained? 5. What would best protect minority voting rights: a law specifically protecting minorities against discrimination or one that applied more generally to regulate election practices? 6. What are the most important problems in the field of minority voting rights that need to be addressed? Voter ID, redistricting, felon disfranchisement, others? At the level of federal, state or local elections? 7. Are there state law models that might be transferable to the federal level?