Smoke Alarms
Does your home have working smoke alarms? DO you have an escape plan at home? Have you ever had a home fire drill so that you would know what do to in the event of a fire? DO you think it would be useful?You will create an original response to the question asked, complete with proper references, that is 100-200 words long (not including the citation at the end of the post). The following is an example of an acceptable original post::What is cultural competence? Describe the importance of cultural competence in health.Kodjo (2009) defines cultural competence as patterns of human behavior that are part of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group (page 2). These behaviors may refer to primary language spoken at home, food and beverage choices, sleep habits, grooming habits, musical preferences, and more. It is important to be culturally competent in health because America is culturally diverse. Kodjo (2009) asserted that Latino adolescents will be the largest minority youth population (page 3) by 2020, which shows the importance of Spanish-speaking healthcare providers. Without culturally sensitive efforts, such as hiring bilingual staff, health outcomes could be poorer for non-English speaking Americans.Kodjo C. (2009). Cultural competence in clinician communication. Pediatrics in review, 30(2), 5764. “,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Healthcare,Medical Staff,After reading the assigned chapters