Social Justice Action and Charity
Distinguishing Between Social Justice Action and Charity APA style cite your sources in the body of the paper e.g. (Jones, 2010, p. 10). Use the page number if it’s a direct quote. See the info below about the reference page. You might search for charity vs social justice action OR how is social justice action different from charity? Other language to use in your searches and in your paper: Advocacy Legislative action Social change How to make structural changes to promote social justice Does charity work? Institutional change Systemic oppression Subject areas: Issues related to marginalization, oppression, the caste system in our country, the isms, prejudice, Policing/police brutality Animal rights Domestic violence Ending slavery and sex trafficking in the US Immigration Native Canadians mistreatment Environment racism Racism LGBTQAI+ rights Sexism/sexual harassment Elder abuse Homelessness High cost of college textbooks 30 points: Define and distinguish between the following terms. Youll compare and contrast the terms. Charity what is it? What are some examples of charity? Who runs charities? Who benefits from them? Do they make a difference? Social justice action – what is it? What are some examples of social justice action? Who runs social justice action organizations? Who benefits from them? Do they make a difference? Select a social justice issue you consider important: 30 points: Identify and describe a charity that addresses the issue 30 points: Identify and describe a group that is working on the problem from a social justice perspective. What are some legislative changes that could make a difference? This involves laws, legislation, policies, practices What are some structural changes that social justice leaders have recommended? 10 points: Conclusion. Bring closure to your paper with a strong concluding paragraph like the ones you wrote for the (My)self in Context paper. References Be sure to list your references in APA style. At the top of the page, type the word References or Reference, not Works Cited. Heres a site with good, clear information on APA style: