Social Psych
Each discussion needs a minimum of one reference and must be 250 words.For unit 3 discussions:ReadingsUse your Social Psychology text to read the following:Chapter 3, “The Social Self,” pages 52103.Use the Capella library to read the following:Steele and Aronson’s 1995 article “Stereotype Threat and the Intellectual Test Performance of African Americans” in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, volume 69, issue 5, pages 797811.Article SearchUse the Capella library or the Internet to locate and read at least one peer-reviewed psychological journal research article related to differences between self-esteem, self-concept, self-presentation, or self-efficacy that is relevant to this unit. The article should not be more than five years old. You will use the article in the unit’s discussions.U3D1Use the unit readings and the article you located in Study 1 to formulate your discussion post:Compare theories of self-concept, self-esteem, and self-presentation.How could you apply these concepts in your profession?Critique how these factors contribute to, and interact with, an individual’s sense of self-efficacy.Remember to use current APA style guidelines to appropriately cite the text readings, article, and any other sources you use in your post.U3D2Use the unit readings and the article you located in Study 1 to create your discussion post:Critically analyze how gender, race, and culture are related to self-esteem.As an aspect of this, evaluate how factors discussed in the readings could be used to enhance the self-esteem of African American students.